Race and Media
Hall, S. (2011). Race, culture, and communications: Looking backward and forward at cultural studies. In M. E. Green (Ed.), Rethinking Gramsci (pp. 24-31). New York, NY: Routledge.
LeDuff, K. M. (2017). Critical race theory: Everything old is new again. In C. Campbell (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media and Race (pp. 77-86). New York, NY: Routledge.
Social Construction of Race
Gandy, O. (1998). The social construction of race. In Communication and Race: A Structural Perspective (pp. 35-92). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Feagin, J. R., & Ortega, F. J. (2017). Framing: The undying White racial frame. In C. Campbell (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media and Race (pp. 31-42). New York, NY: Routledge.
Scheufele, D. A., & Tewksbury, D. (2006). Framing, agenda setting, and priming: The evolution of three media effects models. Journal of Communication, 57(1), 9-20.
Said, E. W. (2014). Introduction. In Orientalism, 25th Anniversary Edition (pp. 1-31). New York, NY: Random House, Inc.
Eid, M., & Khan, S. (2011). A new-look for Muslim women in the Canadian media: CBC's ‘Little Mosque on the Prairie’. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 4(2), 184-202.
Hirji, F. (2011). Through the looking glass: Muslim women on television - An Analysis of ‘24’, ‘Lost’, and ‘Little Mosque on the Prairie’. Global Media Journal: Canadian Edition, 4(2), 33-47.
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DiAngelo, R. (2018, Sept 26). White people are still raised to be racially illiterate. NBC News.
News Media
Noble, S. U. (2014). Teaching Trayvon: Race, media, and the politics of spectacle. The Black Scholar, 44(1), 12-29.
McKenna, C. (2013). Media coverage of Idle No More raises questions about understanding First Nations. Reporting in Indigenous Communities.
Gilchrist, K. (2010). “Newsworthy” victims? Exploring differences in Canadian local press coverage of missing/murdered Aboriginal and White women. Feminist Media Studies 10(4), 373-390.
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Molina-Guzmán, I. (2016). #OscarsSoWhite: How Stuart Hall explains why nothing changes in Hollywood and everything is changing. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 33(5), 438-454.
Croteau, D., Hoynes, D. & Milan. S. (2015). The economics of the media industry. In G. Dines & and J. Jumez (Eds.), Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Critical Reader (pp. 28-39). California: Sage Publications.
Musical self/representations
White, T. R. (2013). Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott and Nicki Minaj: Fashionistin’ black female sexuality in hip-hop culture - girl power or overpowered? Journal of Black Studies, 44(6), 607-626.
Cookney, D. & Fairclough, K. (2018). Childish Gambino: This is America uses music and dance to expose society’s dark underbelly. The Conversation.
Railton, D. & Watson, P. (2015). Music video in black and white: Race and femininity. In, D. Railton and P. Watson (Eds.) Music Video and the Politics of Representation (pp. 81-107). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Race and Tech pt. 1
boyd, d. (2013). White flight in networked publics: How race and class shaped American teen engagement with MySpace and Facebook. In L. Nakamura & P. A. Chow-White (Eds.), Race After the Internet (pp. 203-222). New York, NY: Routledge.
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Sweeney, M. E., & Whaley, K. (2019). Technically white: Emoji skin-tone modifiers as American technoculture. First Monday, 24(7).
Race and Tech pt. 2
Duarte, M. E. (2017). Introduction. In Network Sovereignty: Building the Internet Across Indian Country (pp. 1-9). Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Duarte, M. E. (2017). Network thinking. In Network Sovereignty: Building the Internet Across Indian Country (pp. 9-26). Seattle: University of Washington Press.
McNeill, L. (Producer). (2018, August 15). Scientific racism and the myth of raw data. [Audio podcast].
Online Resistance
Lopez, L. K. (2018) ISAtv: YouTube and the branding of Asian America. In D. Johnson (Ed.), From Networks to Netflix: A Guide to Changing Channels (pp. 255-263). New York, NY: Routledge.
Day, F. and Aymar J. C. (2017). Locating Black queer TV: Fans, producers, and networked publics on YouTube. In J. L. Russo and E. Ng (Eds.), Queer Female Fandom: Transformative Works and Cultures, (24).
Nixon, L. (2016). Visual cultures of Indigenous futurisms. Guts Magazine.
Medak-Saltzman, D. (2017). Coming to you from the Indigenous Future: Native Women, speculative film shorts, and the art of the possible. Studies in American Indian Literatures , 29(1), 139-171.