2021, April. Technology-facilitated violence: Thinking intersectionally. Panel speaker for Centre for Law, Technology and Society event series, Ottawa, Ontario. (virtual).
2019, July. Digital savvy online activists: Ending violence against women in Canada. Presented at IAMCR in Madrid, Spain.
2018, November. Silencing violence 2.0: Examining online activism by marginalized groups in ending violence against women in Canada. Presented at the Mediating Change Conference in Denton, Texas.
2018, September. Academic freedom and equity working group. Roundtable at Always a Zero-Sum Game? Exploring the Tensions Between Academic Freedom and Anti-Oppression, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
2017, March. There's an app for that? Imagining a Canadian future free from sexual and racial violence through speculative design. Roundtable at Canada Visions 2042, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
2016, June. Ellen Pao vs reddit: Mobilization discourses of reddit's anti-harassment policy. Paper presented at Console-ing Passions: International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media and Feminism in South Bend, Indiana.
2015, May. The role of online technologies in ending violence against women. Presented for the Sexual Assault Network’s Professional Development Day, Ottawa, Ontario.
2015, April. Digital dating violence: Sharing intimate images. Keynote speaker for the In Love and In Danger Conference, Ottawa, Ontario.
2014, May. Online feminism(s): Exploring the role of feminist media blogs for young women. Paper presented at the Annual Canadian Communications Association Conference in St. Catherine’s, Ontario.
2013, October. Social media and dating violence. Keynote speaker for the In Love and In Danger Conference, Ottawa, Ontario.
2013, May. Men’s feelings of success in graduate school: An impostor phenomenon study. Paper presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference in Ottawa, Ontario. Co-presented with: J. Mackin and G. Antaya.
2012, March. Cyber mommas: Impacts on cyberfeminism with race, class and gender policing in the mommy blogosphere. Paper presented at the Gender, Society and Culture Conference in Ottawa, Ontario.
2011, April. Early childhood screening in immigrant and refugee populations: Coordinating sources of validity evidence. Paper presented at The AERA 2010 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Co-presented with: R. J. Gokiert, W. Chow, E. Derus, and B. Parsa-Pajouh.
2009, November. Indigenous-specific early childhood development programming in Alberta: Why should it matter? Poster session presented at the Women’s and Children’s Health Research Institute Research Day in Edmonton, Alberta. Co-presented with: R. J. Gokiert and W. Chow.
2009, May. Developmental screening with immigrant and refugee families. Paper presented at Childcare Conference 2009. Grant MacEwen University, Edmonton, Alberta. Co-presented with: W. Chow.
2009, April. Developmental screening of immigrant and refugee children: Cultural validity and parents’ perceptions. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development in Denver, Colorado. Co-presented with: R. J. Gokiert, W. Chow, B. Parsa-Pajouh, and C. Vandenberghe.
2009, March. Community-based evaluation of a preschool development initiative. Poster session presented at the Community-University Engaged Research Showcase, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Co-presented with: B. Parsa-Pajouh, R. J. Gokiert, W. Chow, and C. Vandenberghe.